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Roofing is the covering of buildings that protects them from rain, snow, wind, and other weather conditions. Roofers install and maintain roofs on residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. They also repair damaged or missing roof parts.

Typically, there are two types of roofs: flat and pitched (sloped). Many homes have flat roofs, but some have steeply-pitched ones.

Shingles are the most common type of roofing material, and they can be made from a variety of materials including metal, wood shakes, tile, or composition shingles. They come in a variety of colors and styles. They’re also easy to install and usually last quite a while, only needing replacement every 10 to 20 years or so — sometimes longer.

They are often used in residential homes to reduce energy costs and add curb appeal. They are also popular in industrial applications and commercial buildings for their fire resistance and durability.

There are different types of shingle materials, and each has its benefits and disadvantages. Generally, a shingle is made from an insulating base that’s covered with a waterproof material like asphalt. Then, a layer of resin is added to make the shingles strong and resistant to rot and other environmental problems. Finally, granules are embedded in the materials to reflect sunlight and give them a distinctive mottled appearance.

The shingles are layered on top of a base material, called decking, that’s either plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). It gives the shingles a base to stand on and provides them with a water-resistant surface.

To help the shingles stay in place, roofers may install flashing. This material is waterproof and corrosion-resistant, usually made from galvanized steel or copper, and is secured to the roof first so that the shingles can be layered over it. It’s especially important around chimneys, vents, gabled windows and ridges, and valleys.

Some roofers specialize in particular roofing systems. For example, they might specialize in installing a certain type of shingle or even in thatching, a roofing technique that uses plant fibers to cover the surface of the roof.

Depending on the type of building, a roofer might also install gutters to divert runoff away from the building’s foundation. Gutters can also prevent leaks in the roof and help the roof’s shingles to resist mold and mildew.

They may also install other roofing components on the building, such as skylights and chimneys. They may even install a roof-mounted air conditioning system to keep the building cool during warm weather.

Their work involves laying and cutting shingles and tiles, working from the bottom of the roof to the top. They also cut tiles to fit corners and gable ends.

These professionals are in demand for their skills and expertise when it comes to restoring and maintaining the roofs of homes, factories, offices, public buildings, and shopping malls. They can also help with repairs and maintenance of other aspects of the building, such as the foundations and walls.

Choosing the Right Roofing for Your Home